Our Commitment to Safety
At Weisiger Group, we are committed to conducting our business and operating our facilities in a safe, efficient manner while complying with all environmental, health and safety regulations. Safety is one of our critical success factors and our first strategic goal. By demonstrating teamwork and complying with safety procedures, we can, together, achieve a unified goal of an injury-free workplace.
The quality of our work is critical to our success, and we often rely on our contracted business partners to help supplement and elevate our company performance. We do not take this relationship lightly. Our most valuable resource is our people. At Weisiger Group, we are committed to providing a workplace free of recognized hazards and promoting safe work practices so that our employees, contractors, equipment and environment are never placed in high-risk conditions. The direction we give our employees is to start, stay & finish safe...EVERY DAY!
To support our safety stance and commitment, Weisiger Group has compiled a set of safety and risk management principles for a baseline for safe work expectations across all operating sites. This information will also be used by Weisiger Group in the selection criteria for contract activity.
Please send Safety inquiries to:
Email: safety@weisigergroup.com
Mail To:
Weisiger Safety Department
6605 W. WT Harris Blvd, Suite A
Charlotte, NC 28269
PH: (704) 596-6700
© 2023 Weisiger Group. All rights reserved.